Our Solutions

  • The minimum time required by a driver to respond after seeing the brake light is 0.5 to 2 seconds.
  • Due to increased traffic congestion, the distance between vehicles is reduced.
  • When a lead vehicle applies brake, if the following at a speed of 50 km/h it requires at minimum of 13.9 meters of reaction distance to stop safely.
  • Due to increased traffic congestion, the distance between vehicles is less than 5 meters.
  • Our intelligent braking system will trigger the brake lights while the vehicle starts deceleration, which gives an additional time of 0.8 to 1 second.
  • This will be helpful in reducing “hit from back” or “rear end collisions”.

i-Brake (Deceleration Indicator Module):

  • Smart Braking Systems.
  • Indicates the deceleration of the vehicle.
  • Gives additional time for following vehicles to stop in time.
  • Opportunity to Reduce Hit From Back Collisions.
  • Our product is designed to avoid hit from back accidents.
  • Every millisecond is important because 1 millisecond will keep your vehicle at a distance of 5m from the following vehicle.
  • No more sudden brakes.